That acne is related to diet has been a point of conjecture for some while. For the past 30 years it has been generally believed that there is no connection between diet and acne. This belief was based solely on 2 poorly designed studies published more than 30 years ago. Recent research is pointing the way to a link between diet and acne, and that acne can be improved through dietary interventions.
One theory for the causation of acne is that it is related to increased sebum production and abnormal skin cell growth caused by a hormonal cascade triggered by elevated insulin levels. Foods such as refined grains and refined sugars have been shown to promote elevated insulin levels in the body. These ingredients are generally found in the nutritionally deficient, manufactured foods which have been becoming more prevalent in the diets of people from developed nations over the past 50 or so years.
Researchers have found that acne is non-existent in non-westernised societies, where refined carbohydrates and sugar are rarely consumed. In one study, researchers found no cases of acne among sample natives on the Pacific island of Kitava, Papua New Guinea, or Ache hunter gatherers in Paraguay, in contrast to the 80-90% of American adolescents who suffer with acne. Researchers concluded that these differences could not be attributed to genetics alone.
Another study by RMIT University Melbourne has shown that a diet of high protein and low GI foods with minimal processed food can reduce acne by 50% in only 12 weeks. Young men age 15-25 were split into 2 groups and prescribed a diet for 3 months. One group followed the typical Western diet containing highly processed and refined foods. The other group mirrored the hunter-gatherer diet of higher protein and low GI foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, seafood with processed foods kept to a minimum.
The young men on the anti-acne diet experienced a reduction in insulin levels and insulin resistance and decrease in available testosterone, leading to a 50% reduction in facial acne after 12 weeks.
By far the healthiest way to improve insulin resistance is through diet, diets using low GI foods have been shown to reduce fasting glucose and testosterone while improving insulin metabolism. These endocrine changes are known to reduce sebum production and promote normal skin cell growth, the processes implicated in the cause of acne. That isolated people who consume traditional diets are free of acne indicates that a diet of unprocessed foods, free of refined sugars, fats and grains would be very beneficial to acne sufferers.
Recipe for clear skin:
- Eliminate sugar and sugar products (soft drinks, lollies, ice cream, chocolate bars, etc)
- Eliminated refined grain products (white bread, cakes, biscuits, doughnuts, packaged breakfast cereals, etc)
- Eliminate the 'bad fats': refined vegetable oils (canola, soybean), margarines and foods containing hydrogenated oils and trans-fats.
- Avoid or restrict high GI grains, fruit and vegetables.
- Increase consumption of foods high in omega 3: deep sea oily fish (sardines, anchovies, herring, and wild salmon), flaxseeds and free range eggs.
- Have protein with each meal.
- Increase consumption of fermented and cultured foods (sauerkraut, Kim chi, kombucha, kefir)
Blog yang membahas Cara untuk Mengatasi Jerawat Secara Tepat dan Efektif, penyebab utama jerawat dan jenis-jenisnya, cara merawat kulit dengan benar dengan memilih produk yang tepat, membahas makanan dan gaya hidup yang dapat membantu mengurangi jerawat, Kami juga akan membahas prosedur dermatologi, seperti perawatan laser dan pengelupasan kimia, yang dapat membantu mengatasi jerawat yang parah
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